Karis Collective

Headshot of Red



Specializes in:


Bringing Joy

Wearing Outfits



Accepted Insurance:



"Who's a Good Boy?"



Well I have some big paws to fill with Blue. I was skeptical about this whole therapy dog thing at the beginning…I have operated on making bad decisions so humans do not want to deal with me. Attachment was difficult to say the least. My new human said “this is it…I am not going to return you so we are figuring this out together…” Since I had been returned a couple times, I didn’t believe her so I thought I would push her as hard as possible to see if she meant it. 


I guess I thought if I acted out and made life hard then I would not have to feel vulnerable to attach to my new human. I have been self protecting and honestly I am really good at it. It was fun to steal her make up brush and stash it in the backyard. Having her constantly trying to find her stuff made me feel in control. Her response was to get me into Dog Therapy (Training) and Dog groups to learn better interactions with my peers and create structure. I still maybe…get on the couch at 3 am when she is sleeping to just let her know I still can “do what I want”…but it’s mostly because I am still struggling with trusting that I do not have to survive life. That I can actually enjoy life. I am becoming pretty proud of myself these days and absolutely love the time I get to work at the office. Each week after work I run into my pool and zoom all over the yard because I am so excited and proud of myself. I know I will never be Blue, but I am learning I do not need to compare myself to him. I think Blue wants me to be authentically me and that is enough. 


I am excited to learn to be vulnerable and be the best therapy dog I can be for myself and you.

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